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英语教学设计-At the shop

[12-03 00:37:10]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  高二英语教案   阅读:8327
概要:Step Ⅵ Further practise1.Get good pairs of students to act out their dialogues in front of the class without their books if possible.2. Provide a few situations for the Ss, let them practise the dialogues by dividing the different groups.1)You have just bought a pair of shoes from a shoe shop. But later you find that the shoes are not of the same size. So you go to the shop again. Make a dialogue between the shop assistant and you.2) You have just bought
英语教学设计-At the shop,标签:高中英语教案,http://www.xuehuiba.com

Step Ⅵ Further practise

1.Get good pairs of students to act out their dialogues in front of the class without their books if possible.

2.  Provide a few situations for the Ss, let them practise the dialogues by dividing the different groups.

1)You have just bought a pair of shoes from a shoe shop. But later you find that the shoes are not of the same size. So you go to the shop again. Make a dialogue between the shop assistant and you.

2) You have just bought a tape—recorder. But it does not work as soon as you get home. So you go back to the shop and ask for a new one..

Step Ⅶ Exercise

Do exercises Ex 1——3. on Page 118.

  A customer brought a blouse in a clothes shop last week. She found that the colours _____when she washed it. Thinking that there must be ______wrong with it, she went back to the shop. The shop_____ asked her whether she did not follow the ______and washed it in hot water. The ______said she was not ______foolish. It seemed that it was the ______of the company that produced it .The customer _______that the shop should give her money back, but the shop assistant refused. Finally the customer decided to change the blouse _______another one.


ran, something, assistant, instructions, customer, that (so), insisted, fault, for

StepⅧ Homework

  1.Do exercises Ex 2——3. on Page 118.

  2.Get the students to do the vocabulary preparation in Lesson 38 .

教学设计方案Lesson 38

Teaching Aims

  1. Learn lesson 38 to get brief idea of the story.

  2.The students are required to answer some questio



Step I Revision

  1)Check the homework exercises.

  2)Oral practice.

  1.你的手表有问题吗?             2.我想让你去做这件事。

  3.似乎看来这本书被他看完了。     4.我坚持让他把钱还我。

  5.对不起,是我的错。             6.你为什么让他一直在田里工作。


  1. 1s there anything wrong with your watch?

  2. I’d like you to do the work.

  3. It seems as if the book has been finished reading by him.

  4. I insisted that he (should) give me my money back.

  5. Im sorry. Its my fault.

  6. Why did you have him working in the fields?

StepⅡ Warm---up

Talk about Mark Twain.

1. What is Mark Twain?

Mark Twain is an American writer.

2. In our middle school text books. What articles were written by Mark Twain?

“Run for a Governor.” “A Million Pound Note”

Step Ⅲ Listening and talking

  Today we are going to learn a dialogue, which is a part from A Million Pound Note. Listen to the tape and then talk about the pictures on P. 56 & P. 57.


Picture 1: A customer came into a tailors shop. The shop assistant looked at him up and down. From the clothes, the assistant thought he was a poor man.

Picture 2: After the tailor knew the man had one million pound note, he was very surprised.     The manager measured him by himself. They changed their attitude to the man completely.

Step ⅣReading

Read the dialogue quickly and try to answer the questions.

  1. What did the customer want?

  2. How did the customer Tod?                                             

  3. What did the shop assistant show the customer?

  4. How did the customer want to pay?

  5. What made the manager fed excited?

  6. What can we learn from the story?


  1.The customer wanted to buy a suit.

  2.He looked poor. And his clothes were old.

  3.He showed the customer the cheapest clothes

  4.He wanted to pay with a large note.

  5.The million pound note made the manager feel excited.

  6.We should never judge a person by his clothes.

Step ⅤLanguage points

  1.no matter + wh ---引导让步状语从句

  2.Is  anything the matter? 怎么回事?the matter = wrong 

  3. do sth. a favour = do a favour for do 帮某人一个忙;答应某人的要求

  4.drop in on + 人/ drop in at + 地点

Step ⅥOral practise

  Divide the Ss into a few groups to practise a play according to the text.

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