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[10-16 11:23:24]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  四级听力   阅读:8726
概要:第一部分:小对话做题方式:视听反向原则、同义替换原则,第二句话易为考点。例题:2009年12月四级考试真题第9题A) She must have paid a lot for the gym. B) She is known to have a terrific figure.C) Her gym exercise has yielded good results. D) Her effort to keep fit is really praiseworthy.Woman: I've been working out the gym since January. I was a bit out of shape.Man: You look terrific! It seems that your effort has paid off.Question: What does the man imply about the woman?解析:可以明显看出,本题的答案为C(她的健身房联系获得了好的结果





  A) She must have paid a lot for the gym. B) She is known to have a terrific figure.

  C) Her gym exercise has yielded good results. D) Her effort to keep fit is really praiseworthy.

  Woman: I've been working out the gym since January. I was a bit out of shape.

  Man: You look terrific! It seems that your effort has paid off.

  Question: What does the man imply about the woman?

  解析:可以明显看出,本题的答案为C(她的健身房联系获得了好的结果)。yielded good results和原文中的your effort has paid off产生了替换作用。其中,类似gym和terrific、efforts等这样明显的词汇是特别需要慎选的,因为这些词汇都在原文中被明显播读过。另外本题目中还包括很多有用的说法:例如terrific figure (魔鬼身材)paid off(发生效果),以及重复考过的out of shape (身材走样) 等等。外www.xuehuiba.com



  W: There were more than a hundred people at Kate's birthday party. How come she's got so many friends?

  M: It's really no surprise. You know she was popular even when she was a child.

  Q: What does the man imply about Kate?

  M: My washing machine is more than fifteen years old and it has worked just fine until last night.

  W: You'll never be able to get parts for it, even from Japan. So it might be time to invest a more recent model.

  Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

  W: I heard about your promotion, you must be thrilled.

  M: Not really, the new office is huge, but the word load has doubled.

  Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?







  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. A) He prefers the smaller evening classes C) He has to work during the day.

  B) He has signed up for a day course. D) He finds the evening course cheaper.

  20. A) Learn a computer language. C) Buy some computer software.

  B) Learn data processing. D) Buy a few coursebooks.

  答案:C B


  Woman: Hello, Parkson College. May I help you?

  Man: Yes. I'm looking for information on courses in computer programming. I would need it for the fourth semester.

  W: Do you want a day or evening course?

  M: Well, it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day(19题答案点在此处直接被读出).

  W: Aha. Have you taken any courses in data processing?

  M: No.

  W: Oh. Well, data processing is a course you have to take(20题答案点在此处被读到) before you can take computer programming….

  19. Why does the man choose to take an evening course?

  20. What does the man have to do before taking the course of computer programming?

  特别需要指出的是,本题发生的主题场景就在大学——Parkson College,学生向老师咨询课程(courses)的内容。这时,做完题目的考生得问问自己:选修课必修课,大课小课,讲座展示,学分学时这类词汇和短语我们都会说么?(具体内容请特别关注本期七大听力高频词汇)





  Q32: Why is life said to be difficult for Hollywood kids?

  Q35: What will probably have negative effects on the lives of Hollywood kids?

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