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高二英语第十九单元A Freedom Fighter

[12-03 00:35:28]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  高二英语教案   阅读:8862
概要: We went to look round the town . 15 . look through 翻阅 ( 查看 ) ,读 ( 看 ) 一遍。 The teacher looked through the student\'s work . He looked through the book and decided that he wouldn\'t like it . 16 . look up 查出,了解。 Look up the word in the dictionary . I must look up the time of your train .二、学海导航【学法指要】单元重点词汇点拨 1. demand要求;需要 The workers demanded more money . 〖点拨〗(1) demand to do sth要求干…… 。不用demand sb to do 。但是,可以说:re
高二英语第十九单元A Freedom Fighter,标签:高中英语教案,http://www.xuehuiba.com
We went to look round the town .
15 . look through 翻阅 ( 查看 ) ,读 ( 看 ) 一遍。
The teacher looked through the student\'s work .
He looked through the book and decided that he wouldn\'t like it .
16 . look up 查出,了解。
Look up the word in the dictionary .
I must look up the time of your train .
1. demand要求;需要
The workers demanded more money .
〖点拨〗(1) demand to do sth要求干…… 。不用demand sb to do 。但是,可以说:require / order / ask sb to do
(2) demand that + (should) 。
(3) sth + be required to do (不能用demanded )
(4) sth require / want / need + doing = sth require / want / need + ing
(5) make a demand for要求…… 。 in great demand大量需求。
They demanded that the equal rights (should) be given to everyone .
He demanded to be told everything that had happened .
2. forbid ( forbade / forbad , forbidden) 禁止;不许
Their teacher forbids them to watch TV .
Smoking is forbidden in public .
〖点拨〗(1) forbid sb to do禁止某人干……
(2) forbid + ing禁止干 …… 。I forbid your entering the room .
(3) forbid that sb (should) do …。I forbid that you (should) leave the room .
3. unfair不公平的,不公正的,不合理的
He is always saying that I’m unfair .
〖点拨〗注意unfair在句中时,后边的反意疑问句仍用否定式。如:She is unfair , isn’t she ?
4. admit承认
He admitted that he had been on the march . 他承认他参加了游行。
(2) admit + ing承认干了 ……
Will you admit having broken the window ? = Will you admit that you have broken the window ?
(3) sb be admitted as … 某人被接纳为……。sb be admitted to / into接纳到……。
Children under 18 are not admitted to the film .
How many students have been admitted to the school this year ?
5. usual , common , ordinary 的用法
usual 意为“通常的,寻常的,通例的”,用于修饰经常、固定或有一定的时间间隔重复发生的事,即


Thunder is the usual sign of an approaching storm .
The following Thursday she went out at her usual time .
common 含有“平常,普通,常见,不足为奇”等意思,侧重于缺少显著或异常的特征,特别说明某物因司空见惯而普通。如:
Colds are common in winter .
A dog is one of the commonest pets .
This flower is common in spring .
ordinary 意为“正常的,通常的,平常的,普通的”,指由于与常规、习惯、一般标准或品质相同而普通,无特别惊人的性质。如:
He is an ordinary - looking man .
It was an early morning in summer . In the streets , sleepy - eyed people were moving quickly , heading towards their jobs . This was the beginning of another ordinary day in New York City . 一大早睡眼惺惺的人们匆匆赶路,前去上班,没有任何异常的迹象,这又是纽约城一个平常的日子的开始。
6. while
while 可以用作连词,也可以用作名词。
1) while 作为从属连词,意为 “ 当……时候 ” 时,相当于 when 引导一个时间状语从句。从句中的谓语动词通常是持续性动词。例如:
He can still breathe while his head is under water .
While ( we were ) walking along the river , we saw fish swimming about
in the water .
2) while 作为等立连词,连接两个并列分句时,这两个分句在意义上形成鲜明的正
反对比。这时 while 的意义近似于 but 。例如:
Jim is lazy while his sister is diligent .
We were busy here and there , while he had nothing to do .
Some products sell well , while others don\'t . 有些产品很畅销,而其它产品却卖不出去。
3) while 作为从属连词,引导让步状语从句,这时 while 的意义相当于 though 。
While (=Though ) she respected the manager , she didn\'t like him .
While the operation on him was successful , he couldn\'t get back to the former state of health . 4) while 作为名词,可以表示 ( 一段 ) 时间。例如:
Please wait a while . ( a while = a moment; a minute ) 请等一会。
The test will be carried out in a little while . ( a little while = a short time )
I haven\'t seen you for a long while . ( for a long while = for a long time )
1. on the march在行军中,在进行,在游行

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