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高二英语第十九单元A Freedom Fighter

[12-03 00:35:28]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  高二英语教案   阅读:8862
概要: 13. I couldn’t persuade him to accept my gift . I couldn’t persuade him my gift . 14. We went to the park not by bus ; we went there on foot . We went to the park on foot by bus .(请同学们写好后把答案反馈给我们)【创新园地】答案:1. made up of 2. Seen 3. It , that 4. went on shouting 5. turned up 6. made up my mind 7. I , to have 8. on his own 9. out of work 10. up to 11. had no idea 12. was determined to 13. into accepting 1
高二英语第十九单元A Freedom Fighter,标签:高中英语教案,http://www.xuehuiba.com
13. I couldn’t persuade him to accept my gift .
I couldn’t persuade him my gift .
14. We went to the park not by bus ; we went there on foot .
We went to the park on foot by bus .
【创新园地】答案:1. made up of 2. Seen 3. It , that 4. went on shouting 5. turned up 6. made up my mind 7. I , to have 8. on his own 9. out of work 10. up to 11. had no idea 12. was determined to 13. into accepting 14. instead of (或者用:rather than)

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