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[08-08 17:50:44]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  答谢致辞   阅读:8363
概要:摩托罗拉全体同仁: 去年是中国农历兔年。记得去年的此时,我要寄希望于大家像兔一样活 动敏捷、朝着正确的方向飞奔,努力去满足客户的需求。今天我可以欣慰地告诉你们,由于诸位的努力去年整个亚太地区和日本我们创造了新的记录,销售额达到90亿美元,年增长率为18%。我们再次成为全球增长最快的地区。 在中国我们的手机销售取得了令人瞩目的成绩,我们的手机市场占有率重新排在第一位,这是在这个庞大国家里取得的巨大成就。NSS在GSM和CDMA方面发展势头强劲。其他部门也呈现良好的发展形势。在另外方面值得我们骄傲的是摩托罗拉中国公司被《财富》杂志评选为在中国排名第二位令人赞赏的公司。这是一项了不起的成就。我要感谢你们,感谢所有的客户。 现在让我们把目光投向2000年。今年是人们所说的"金色的龙年",我们相信在这一年只要我们全体同仁齐心协力,摩托罗拉就能够像巨龙一样腾飞。那么我们在这一年里有什么样的期望呢?我深信:整个地区在这一年具有增长50%的可能性。没错,我所说的正是50%增长。取得这个成绩绝


 ---- 去年是中国农历兔年。记得去年的此时,我要寄希望于大家像兔一样活 动敏捷、朝着正确的方向飞奔,努力去满足客户的需求。今天我可以欣慰地告诉你们,由于诸位的努力去年整个亚太地区和日本我们创造了新的记录,销售额达到90亿美元,年增长率为18%。我们再次成为全球增长最快的地区。


---- 在中国我们的手机销售取得了令人瞩目的成绩,我们的手机市场占有率重新排在第一位,这是在这个庞大国家里取得的巨大成就。NSS在GSM和CDMA方面发展势头强劲。其他部门也呈现良好的发展形势。在另外方面值得我们骄傲的是摩托罗拉中国公司被《财富》杂志评选为在中国排名第二位令人赞赏的公司。这是一项了不起的成就。我要感谢你们,感谢所有的客户。


---- 现在让我们把目光投向2000年。今年是人们所说的"金色的龙年",我们相信在这一年只要我们全体同仁齐心协力,摩托罗拉就能够像巨龙一样腾飞。那么我们在这一年里有什么样的期望呢?我深信:整个地区在这一年具有增长50%的可能性。没错,我所说的正是50%增长。取得这个成绩绝非易事但也绝非不可能。机会等待着我们同心同德更好地为顾客服务,那么我们是能够完成50%的增长目标。因此为了这个目标,在2000年里我们必须遵从客户至上的原则,加强各事业部门之间的协作关系以取得更佳效率。我们需要加强与各国的合作,同时增强各国摩托罗拉公司间的合作。


---- 我们必须确保在新年开始之际就明确最佳业绩标准,找出差距,以求更大的进步。你们中间有些同事曾经参加过有关最佳业绩标准的调查,我希望你们能够为了摩托罗拉的事业坦诚直言表达你们的意见。


---- 最后,我们需要融合东方和西方文化精髓。在中国我们要致力于建设我们与中国政府"牢不可破的关系"。




Dear Motorolans,


Last year 1999 was the Chinese year of rabbit. I asked all of you to move fast like a rabbit and in the the right direction to serve our customers. I am happy to say that due to your hard work we have come through. For the whole Asia/ Pacific region and Japan, we grew 18% to a new record sales of US$9 billion. This is alone the fastest growing region again. I want to thank you and our customers.


For China, it is a very important achievement that our celluar handset has absolutely achieved number one market share. This is a great achievement in a big country. NSS is making a very major inroad in both GSM and CDMA. The other sectors are doing well. Another important thing for Motorola in China is that Motorola China has been recognized by Fortune magazine as the ranking No. 2 in the "most admired company" in China, a very great achievement indeed. Thank you very much for your contribution to this.


Now let me turn attention to the year of 2000. This year is also known as "Year of Golden Dragon". It is a year that if we work together Motorola can fly high just like a dragon.What is the expectation in this year? I believe the entire region has the possibility to grow 50%. Yes, I say 50%. It is not easy but it is not impossible. The opportunities are there waiting for us to work as one team to really excel in servicing our customers and then we can grow by 50%. So for the year of 2000, we must be customers first and we must collaborate to change for better efficiency. We need to integrate countries so that we work together between countries for the collective goodness of Motorola. We need to start making sure we begin the year by knowing a Performance Excellence baseline so that we can do improvement by identifying gaps. Some of you have been invited to participate in this Performance Excellence baseline survey. I would like you to take the opportunity to speak your mind so that you become a factor in the new Motorola.


Finally we need to combine the best of East and West. And in China we want to build the unshakable relationship with the Government.

I wish you and your family a happy Chinese New Year.



President of Motorola Asia Pacific


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