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[08-08 15:19:07]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  英语口语   阅读:8402
概要:post-disaster reconstruction中国常驻联合国代表李保东31日说,为进一步帮助海地人民开展灾后重建工作,中国政府决定再向海地政府提供1000万元人民币(约合147万美元)无偿援助。美国国务卿希拉里在发言中说,美国将为海地提供11.5亿美元资金,用于帮助海地政府加强农业、能源、卫生、安全和政府管理等方面的建设。请看相关报道:US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged the conference to look beyond financial assistance to Haiti. "We have to pledge to do better ourselves" at effective post-disaster reconstruction, she said, adding that the goal is now to empower the Haitian people.美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿

post-disaster reconstruction



  US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged the conference to look beyond financial assistance to Haiti. "We have to pledge to do better ourselves" at effective post-disaster reconstruction, she said, adding that the goal is now to empower the Haitian people.


  在上面的报道中,post-disaster reconstruction就是“灾后重建”。Reconstruction的意思是“重建,改造,复原”。例如:The reconstruction of the Town Hall is scheduled to start next month.(市政厅的重建计划于下月开始。)又如:postwar reconstruction(战后重建)。

  在海地大地震发生后,许多国家派出了rescue team(救援小组),提供了包括rescue and medical equipment(救灾和医疗设备)、emergency personnel(紧急救援人员)在内的humanitarian relief(人道主义援助)。在quake-stricken area(地震灾区)搭建了makeshift hospital(临时医院)和makeshift shelter(简易过渡房)帮助受灾人民度过难关。

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