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英语教学设计-Module 4

[12-02 23:33:14]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  小学二年级英语教案   阅读:8464
概要:英语教案-Module 4MODULE 2 Unit 1 Teaching aims and demands:1. Get the Ss to grasp how to tell the time. 2. Listen and say the new words: when, time, clock, o’clock, half, past, park, airplane, train, tired and film3. Get the Ss to grasp the new sentences: What time is it? It’s 3 o’clock. It’s half past 7 Is it 8 o’clock? Teaching main points and difficult points:1. Learn to sing this song. Listen and say the new words: when, time, clock, o’cl
英语教学设计-Module 4,标签:小学英语教案,http://www.xuehuiba.com

英语教案-Module 4

MODULE  2  Unit 1


Teaching aims and demands:

1.      Get the Ss to grasp how to tell the time.

2.      Listen and say the new words: when, time, clock, o’clock, half, past, park, airplane, train, tired and film

3.      Get the Ss to grasp the new sentences: What time is it? It’s 3 o’clock. It’s half past 7 Is it 8 o’clock?


Teaching main points and difficult points:

1. Learn to sing this song. Listen and say the new words: when, time, clock, o’clock, half, past, park, airplane, train, tired and film

2. Get the Ss to grasp how to tell the time.


Teaching aids:

Tape, recorder, CD-ROM, pictures and a clock..


Teaching procedures:

. Warmer:

1.      T and Ss greet each other.

2.      Repeat the Alphabet Song from Module 1.

3.      Repeat the chant from Unit 2 of Module 1..


. New content.

Activity 1. Listen and point.



Ask the children to look at the pages and to guess what they can see. Elicit as much information about the story as you can in Chinese by asking questions. For example, ask them if they can guess what Sam is asking and why. You can also point to each clock and elicit the times in Chinese. This will help them to understand the context of the story.

2.      Play the cassette. The children listen and follow in their books. Explain that What’s the time? And What time is it? Are both alternatives and mean the same thing.

3.       Play the cassette again. Pausing after each utterance for the children to point at the corresponding picture.

4.       Play the cassette again. Encourage the class to point to each clock as they repeat.

5.      Repeat this activity, asking individual students to repeat the utterances. Alternatively, divide the class into groups.


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