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[10-16 11:23:24]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  四级阅读   阅读:8676
概要:18. Echo location in this article means the _____.A) location of echoesB) ability to determine where an echo comes fromC) scientific term for sound wavesD) ability to locate unseen objects by echoes注:1.A 为干扰选项,过于表面化2.B 项为等价选项所以为错误o appreciate the precision of the bats' echo location, we must first consider the degree of their reliance upon it. Thanks to sonar, an insect-eating bat can get along perfectly well without eyesight. This was brilliantly demo

  18. Echo location in this article means the _____.
  A) location of echoes
  B) ability to determine where an echo comes from
  C) scientific term for sound waves
  D) ability to locate unseen objects by echoes

  注:1.A 为干扰选项,过于表面化

  2.B 项为等价选项所以为错误o appreciate the precision of the bats' echo location, we must first consider the degree of their reliance upon it. Thanks to sonar, an insect-eating bat can get along perfectly well without eyesight. This was brilliantly demonstrated by the Italian naturalist

  Lazzaro Spallanzani. He caught some bats in a bell tower, blinded them and released them outdoors. Four of these blind bats were recaptured after they had found their ways back to the bell tower, and on examining their stomachs' contents, Spallanxani found that they had been able to capture and eat flying insects. We know from experiments that bats easily find insects in the dark of night, even when the insects make no sound that can be heard by human ears. A bat will catch hundreds of softbodied silent flying insects in a single hour. It will even detect and chase pebbles (卵石) tossed (向上扔)into the air.

  19. This article was written to illustrate ____.
  A) the deficiencies of man-made sonar
  B) the dependence of man upon animals
  C) that we are living in a machine age
  D) that the sonar system of bats is remarkable


  20. The following is the main point of the article:____
  A) A bat will catch hundreds of insects in a single hour.
  B) There is a perfection in nature which sometimes can not be matched by man's creative efforts.
  C) The phrase "blind as a bat" is valid.
  D) Sonar and radar systems of man are inefficient.

  注:写作主题题型,第一句话的同义改写 match v. 匹敌

  In these days of technological triumphs, it is well to remind ourselves from time to time that living mechanisms are often incomparably more efficient than their artificial imitations. There is no better illustration of this idea than the sonar (声纳) system of bats. It is billions of times more efficient and more sensitive than the radars and sonars designed by man.


  Question 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

  11. The author's main purpose in writing the passage is to ____.
  A) teach children how to learn to produce and experience certain emotion
  B) give the general reader an account of two basic kinds of learning
  C) give parents some advice on how to modify their children's emotions through learning
  D) discuss with psychologist how positive and negative feelings are produced

  12.If your jokes often find already echo in a person, you will learn though ____ that telling jokes to this person is fun, and you will try with greater efforts to be humorous in his presence.
  A) classical conditioning
  B) operant conditioning
  C) neither of them
  D) some other sorts of conditioning

  13. If a child is bitten or startled several times by a dog, he may learn to associate furry animals with pain or startle and thus develop a fear of furry animals. This is a typical example of learning
  through ____.
  A) classical conditioning
  B) operant conditioning
  C) both of them
  D) neither of them

  14. In the third paragraph, the author is ____.
  A) discussing how we grow and have new experiences every day
  B) talking about learning to modify emotions through operant conditioning
  C) concentrating on learning by reading, watching television, interacting with people, and so on
  D) using examples to further illustrate learning through classical conditioning

  15. In the following paragraphs the author will most probably go on to discuss _____.
  A) definitions of positive feelings and negative feelings
  B) the third kind of learning
  C) further examples of learning through operant conditioning
  D) none of the above

  In the same way that a child must be able to move his arms and legs before he can learn to walk, the child must physiologically be capable of producing and experiencing particular emotions before these emotions can be modified through learning. Psychologists have found that there are two basic processes by which learning takes place. One kind of learning is called "classical conditioning". This occurs when one event or stimulus is consistently paired with, or followed by, a reward or punishment, It is through classical conditioning that a child learns to associate his mother's face and voice with happiness and love, for he learns that this person provides food and comfort. Negative emotions are learned in a similar fashion.

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