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[10-16 11:23:24]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  四级阅读   阅读:8676
概要:注:1.cheer 欢呼、喝彩2.convince 使……相信3.monitor 监视 4.review 回顾5.the U.S. Food and Drug Administration 美国食物药品管理局简写FDA●成果型文章:1.文章中只有一个成果,作者正评价 2.文中出现新、老两个成果,新成果正评,老成果负评,抓住正负评价原因 3.抓住新老成果各自技术特点The recall may hurt Symbion Inc, maker of the Jarvik-7, but it won't end the request for an artificial heart. One problem with the banned model is that the tubes connecting it to an external power source created a passage for infection (感染). Inventors are now working on ne

  注:1.cheer 欢呼、喝彩
  2.convince 使……相信
  3.monitor 监视
  4.review 回顾
  5.the U.S. Food and Drug Administration 美国食物药品管理局简写FDA


  The recall may hurt Symbion Inc, maker of the Jarvik-7, but it won't end the request for an artificial heart. One problem with the banned model is that the tubes connecting it to an external power source created a passage for infection (感染). Inventors are now working on new devices that would be fully placed, along with a tiny power pack, in the patient's chest. The first sample products aren't expected for another 10 or 20 years. But some people are already worrying that they'll work - and that America's overextended health-care programs will lose a precious $2.5 billion to $5 billion a year providing them for a relatively few dying patients. If such expenditures (开支) cut into funding for more basic care, the net effect could actually be a decline in the nation's health.

  注:1.recall 取消,re 有“向后”含义
  2.看到Symbion Inc.就把32题标在这里;看到new devices就把33题标在这里。
  3.external 外部的,passage 通道
  4.work 可行、有效,they 指代前文 the first sample product
  5.providing 引导现在分词做状语


  34. The word "them" in Line 7, Para. 2 refers to _________.
  A) doctors who treat heart diseases
  B) makers of artificial hearts
  C) America's health-care programs
  D) new models of artificial hearts


  31. According to the passage the Jarvik-7 artificial heart proved to be ________.
  A) a technical failure
  B) a technical wonder
  C) a good life saver
  D) an effective means to treat heart disease


  32. From the passage we know that Symbion Inc. ________.
  A) has been banned by the government from producing artificial hearts
  B) will review the effects of artificial hearts before designing new models
  C) may continue to work on new models of reliable
  artificial hearts
  D) can make new models of artificial hearts available on the market in 10 to 20 years

  注:屡败屡战。A 选项为泛指而文章为特指;B 选项为窜段选项,另外选项中的 artificial hearts 扩大了文章中的指代范围。
  二段首句:The recall may hurt Symbion Inc, maker of the Jarvik-7, but it won't end the request for an artificial heart.

  33. The new models of artificial hearts are expected _________.
  A) to have a working life of 10 or 20 years
  B) to be set fully in the patient's chest
  C) to be equipped with an external power source
  D) to create a new passage for infection


  35. Some people feel that _________.
  A) artificial hearts are seldom effective
  B) the country should not spend so much money on artificial hearts
  C) the country is not spending enough money on artificial hearts
  D) America's health-care programs are not doing enough for the nation's health

  注:定位第二段 But some people are already worrying ...

  The recall may hurt Symbion Inc, maker of the Jarvik-7, but it won't end the request for an artificial heart. One problem with the banned model is that the tubes connecting it to an external power source created a passage for infection (感染). Inventors are now working on new devices that would be fully placed, along with a tiny power pack, in the patient's chest. The first sample products aren't expected for another 10 or 20 years. But some people are already worrying that they'll work - and that America's overextended health-care programs will lose a precious $2.5 billion to $5 billion a year providing them for a relatively few dying patients. If such expenditures (开支) cut into funding for more basic care, the net effect could actually be a decline in the nation's health.


  Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage:

  56.The passage is meant to _________.
  A) warn young people of the hardships that a successful writer has to experience
  B) advise young people to give up their idea of becoming a professional writer

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