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[10-16 11:24:00]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  英语翻译   阅读:8373
概要:I met Nothemba last December at the Coaching For Hope project at Khaylitsha, near Cape Town. It is amazing to visit a project like this and see the effect football has on young people. Football has the power to change lives and these youngsters are able to learn valuable lessons through their love of the game.去年12月份我在开普敦附近的特丽迪莎见到了正在”有望年轻领袖“训练中的Nothemba,参观这样的训练场地让人振奋,我看到了足球在我们年轻一代身上的影响是深远而有意义的。足球有改变我们命运的魔力,通过对比赛的热爱,这些年轻人获得了生命中宝贵的一堂堂课,它们将受用终身。I f

  I met Nothemba last December at the Coaching For Hope project at Khaylitsha, near Cape Town. It is amazing to visit a project like this and see the effect football has on young people. Football has the power to change lives and these youngsters are able to learn valuable lessons through their love of the game.


  I felt privileged to meet Nothemba and the other children and despite the fact we come from different backgrounds, we share a love for the game of football. HIV/Aids is one of the very real problems in places like Khaylitsha and football must ensure it does whatever it can to help educate young people of health dangers and make a difference.

  能够遇到Nothemba和其它孩子我深感荣幸。尽管我们各自的文化背景不同,但是我们对足球的有同样的热爱。 在像Khaylitsha这样的地方,HIV/艾滋是众多非常现实的问题之一。所以足球必须确保它能够竭尽所能来帮助年轻人认识到健康危险,并做出改变。

  This is the cornerstone of our bid. Nothemba is here with me because England supports the World Cup in South Africa, which will be a fantastic occasion, but also because a successful England World Cup bid will help change the lives of countless more Nothembas. Eddie and Kadra show what can be done at home. A World Cup in England is not just about what it can do for our country, but what it can also do for the rest of the world.


  We believe we can achieve more than any other bid. We can stage an amazingly successful tournament with passion, diversity and excitement.

  我们相信自己能够比其它申办国家完成更多。 我们能用激情、多元化和喜悦呈现一届不可思议的成功赛事。

  But this is just a platform for the good work that can be done as a result of us hosting the tournament. That is why I am totally committed as vice-president of our bid to bring the World Cup to England and why I ask you to please pledge your support at www.england2018bid.com


  Hopefully this year we will win the greatest prize in sport twice, by winning the World Cup on and off the pitch.




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