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[10-16 11:24:00]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  英语翻译   阅读:8373
概要:As you read this I am in Zurich about to undertake the unique privilege of handing England's bid book for the 2018-22 World Cups to the president of Fifa, Sepp Blatter.This is an amazing honour for any Englishman or woman.此刻我在苏黎世,正准备向国际足联主席布拉特先生呈递申请2018或2022世界杯主办权的竞标书,这是我的荣幸,也是每一名英国公民至高无上的荣耀。 As a player nothing could possibly beat playing in front of your own fans in your own country at the World Cup and I hope our players of the future will be fortun

  As you read this I am in Zurich about to undertake the unique privilege of handing England's bid book for the 2018-22 World Cups to the president of Fifa, Sepp Blatter.This is an amazing honour for any Englishman or woman.


  As a player nothing could possibly beat playing in front of your own fans in your own country at the World Cup and I hope our players of the future will be fortunate enough to experience this.


  The bid book contains all of the detail of how we would host the World Cup in either 2018 or 22.


  It shows how passionate we are as a nation for football, how our society is amongst the most diverse in the world with communities ready to welcome every team, how we already have fantastic stadiums, training grounds, transport and hotels which will enable us to stage a festival of football creating the most commercially successful World Cup ever.


  All of these on their own are excellent reasons why hopefully we can persuade the 24 voters on the Fifa executive committee in December to award England this great prize.But I would like everyone to think of other reasons, to think of South Africa, where the World Cup starts next month, and a young girl called Nothemba, to think of Eddie from Manchester and Kadra from west London.They are the most compelling reasons why we would be the best hosts. Nothemba, Eddie and Kadra are with me today representing the England bid.


  Four years ago Eddie was unemployed, lived in a tough area of Manchester where crime was high and drugs were rife. Many of his friends were in gangs but he wanted a different life and volunteered for the Manchester City community Kickz programme.Now he works full time for the Manchester City Foundation, where he leads and motivates young people and in 2009 he won the Kickz "Inspiring Young Person of the Year Award".


  Kadra moved to England from Somalia when she was 8. She was called up to play for the national team but her culture's traditions and views prevented her from accepting the honour. Kadra used this disappointment as a catalyst to set up a Somali women's team in west London, changing attitudes about women's football and bringing women in the local community together.


  Nothemba lives in South Africa, is 17, is the captain of her football team and has been coaching young children. She has been part of the Coaching For Hope Young Leaders' programme, which is an Official Charity Partner of the Football Association and part of the FA's International Development Programme which has now been running for 10 years.This programme and others ensures that the success of English football benefits other areas of the world as well as at home.


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