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[10-16 11:24:00]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  情景英语会话   阅读:8102
概要:活泼、漂亮的女生罗琳(英文名)要去美国留学了,因为她的男友——热情、聪明的马克(英文名)比她先去一年,在美国等着她呢。罗琳在国内成绩就很好,可就是说英文时张不开嘴;马克呢,正好相反,他思维活跃,性格外向,但在学习上缺少一些计划性。留学征程犹如去西天取经,坎坷多多,困难重重,罗琳和马克会遇到哪些困难呢?最后又怎样解决的呢?从本期开始,我们就跟随罗琳和马克,开始我们的异国求学之路吧。首先,我们和罗琳一起,登上前往美国的飞机……美国联合航空公司的UA888航班就要从北京首都国际机场起飞了。罗琳走进机舱,找到自己的座位,将手提行李放入座位上方的行李柜后,坐了下来。这时,她发现邻座的女孩儿也刚刚坐好,于是主动打招呼,两人攀谈起来。场景一 与邻座乘客聊天(Talking to a Fellow Passenger on the Airplane)Luo Lin: Hello, my name is Luo Lin.Charlotte: Hi. I'm Charlotte.Luo Lin: Nice to mee




场景一 与邻座乘客聊天 
(Talking to a Fellow Passenger on the Airplane)

  Luo Lin: Hello, my name is Luo Lin.
  Charlotte: Hi. I'm Charlotte.
  Luo Lin: Nice to meet you, Charlotte. Are you from the United States?
  Charlotte: Yes, I'm coming home from a vacation in Beijing. What about you?
  Luo Lin: I'm moving to the United States to go to college.
  Charlotte: That's great. What college will you be going to?
  Luo Lin: The University of California at San Diego. I'm going to get an MBA there. What part of the United States are you from?
  Charlotte: I'm originally from New York, but I'm living in San Diego now. UCSD is a beautiful school.
  Luo Lin: I haven't seen the campus yet, but I've heard it's very nice. How do you like San Diego?
  Charlotte: I like it a lot. There are so many outdoor activities available.
  Luo Lin: That's nice. What do you like best?
  Charlotte: Oh, the San Diego beaches, of course!



  工作:What kind of work do you do?
     How do you like your work?
     What are the interesting things about your work?

  学习:Do you (or Did you) go to college?
     What college do/did you attend?
     What are you studying/did you study?
     What is/was your major?

  爱好:Do you travel much?
     Have you ever traveled to China?
     Where else have you traveled?
     What are the best parts of California that I should see?
     How long have you lived here?


场景二 请求空中小姐帮助 
(Getting Help from the Flight Attendant)

  对话一:索取晕机药品(Requesting Medicine for Airsickness)

  Attendant: Excuse me, miss. What would you like to drink? We have coffee, water, orange juice, and Chinese tea.
  Luo Lin: Nothing right now, thank you. But could you please give me a medication for airsickness? I'm not feeling well.
  Attendant: Okay, I'll get something for you right away. Here's some motion sickness medication and a cup of water. Also, this cool towel might help you feel better.
  Luo Lin: Thank you very much. You're really helpful.
  Attendant: My pleasure. You'd better have a rest and sit still for a while. You'll be feeling better soon.
  Luo Lin: Yes, I think so, too. But could you please get an airsickness bag for me? I'm afraid I might be sick.
  Attendant: You can find one in the pocket of the seat in front of you.
  Luo Lin: Can I? Let me have a look. Oh yes, here it is.
  Attendant:If you need any more help, feel free to ask me.
  Luo Lin: Fine. Thank you again.

  备注:  motion sickness medication:晕车(机)药。


  对话二:更换问题耳机(Problem with the Head Set)

  Luo Lin: Excuse me? Can you help me? I'm having some trouble with my head set.

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